Juncaceae Phylogeny Group



Hackney P. (1988): Juncus foliosus in two Northern Ireland counties. - Irish Nat. J. 22(12): 535.

Hagerup O. (1941): Nordiske Kromosom-Tal. I. - Bot. Tidsskr., Kobenhavn 45: 385-395.

Haines R.W., Lye K.A. (1983): The sedges and rushes of East Africa. A flora of the families Juncaceae and Cyperaceae in East Africa, with particular reference to Uganda. - Nairobi, East African Natural History Society, 1983. 404p.

Hair J.B. (1967): Contributions to the chromosome atlas of the New Zealand flora VIII. Luzula (Juncaceae). - New Zealand J. Bot., Wellington, 5:17-21.

Halkka O. (1964): A photometric study of the Luzula problem. - Hereditas, Lund, 52: 81-88.

Hamet-Ahti L. (1965): Luzula piperi (Cov.) Me Jones - an overlooked woodrush in western-north America and Easter Asia. - Aquila ser. Bot. 1965 Tom 3. p. 11-21.

Hamet-Ahti L. (1971): A synopsis of the species of Luzula, subgenus Anthelaea Griseb. (Juncaceae) indigenous in North America. - Ann. Bot. Fenn. 8(4): 368-381.

Hamet-Ahti L. (1972, print 1973): Notes on Ustilago viijekii Oudem. et Beijer on some Luzula species in North America. - Syesis 5.

Hamet-Ahti L. (1973): Notes on the Luzula arcuata and L. parviflora groups in eastern Asia and Alaska. - Ann. Bot. Fenn. 10(2): 123-130.

Hamet-Ahti L. (1975): Additional notes on Luzula subcongesta and L. parviflora (Juncaceae) in North America. - Ann. Bot. Fenn. 12(1): 27-29.

Hamet-Ahti L. (1980): Juncus alpinoarticulatus subsp. fischeranus: an overlooked plant in boreal Eurasia. -  Mem. Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn. 56(4): 97-102.

Hamet-Ahti L. (1980): Juncus alpinoarticulatus: the legitimate name for Juncus alpinus. -  Ann. Bot. Fenn. 17(3): 341-342.

Hamet-Ahti L. (1980): Juncus trifidus L. subsp. carolinianus Hamet Ahti, n. subsp., in eastern North America. -  Veroff. Geobot. Inst. Rubel 69: 7-13.

Hamet-Ahti L. (1980): The Juncus effusus aggregate in eastern North America. -  Ann. Bot. Fenn. 17(2): 183-191.

Hamet-Ahti L. (1981): Juncus alpinoarticulatus: geographically variable and confused circumpolar species. - In XIII International Botanical Congress, Sydney, Australia 21-28 August 1981: abstracts. Sydney, Australian Academy of Science. 287.

Hamet-Ahti L. (1982): Juncaceae. - In Hafliger, E., and others. Monocot weeds: 3. Monocot weeds excluding grasses. Basle, Documenta Ciba-Geigy 71-81.

Hamet-Ahti L. (1986): North American races of Juncus alpinoarticulatus (Juncaceae). - Ann. Bot. Fenn. 23(4): 277-281.

Hamet Ahti L., Virrankoski V. (1970): Chromosome numbers of some vascular plants of North Finland. - Ann. Bot. Fenn., Helsinki 7: 177-181.

Hamet Ahti L., Virrankoski V. (1971): Cytotaxonomic notes on some monocotyledons of Alaska and northern British Columbia. - Ann. Bot. Fenn. 8(2): 156-159.

Handel S.N. (1978): New ant‑dispersed species in the genera Carex, Luzula and Claytonia. - Canad. J. Bot. 56(22): 2925-2927.

Hansen Kjeld (1976): L. multiflora (p. 67-68) Ecological studies in Danish Heath Vegetation. - Dansk Botanisk Arkiv 31(2): 67-68.

Hara H. (1974): New or noteworthy flowering plants from Eastern Himalaya: 15. - J. Jap. Bot. 49(7): 193-205.

Hardtle W. (1984): Die Juncus maritimus - Gesellschaft. -  Mitt. Arbeitsgemeinsch. Geobot. Schleswig - Holstein Hamburg, 34: 51-54.

Harriman N.A., Redmond D. (1976): Somatic chromosome numbers for some North American species of Juncus L. - Rhodora 78(816): 727-738.

Harrington H.D. (1977): How to identify grasses and grasslike plants (sedges and rushes). - Chicago, Swallow Press, 1977. 142p.

Hartman R.L., Nelson B.E., Dueholm K.H., Dorn R.D. (1980): Noteworthy collections: Juncus compressus Jacq. - Madrono 27(4): 184-185.

Harvill A.M., jr. (1981): Two rushes new for Virginia. - Castanea 46(1): 83.

Haslinger H. (1914): Vergleichende Anatomie der Vegetationsorgane der Juncaceen. - Sitzungs.-Ber. Akad. Wiss. Wien Math.-Naturwiss Kl. 123: 1147-1194. 

Hauman L. (1915): Note sur les Joncaceés des petits genres andins. - An. Mus. Nac. Hist. Nat. B. Aires 27: 285-306.

Hay S.G. (1984): Juncus brachycephalus (Juncaceae) in Quebec. - Nat. Canad., 110(4): 487‑491 (1983 publ. 1984).

Healy A.J. (1953): The identification and distribution of rushes in New Zealand. - Proc. 6th. NZ Weed. Control. Conf. pp. 5-16.

Healy A.J., Edgar E. (1980): Flora of New Zealand: volume 3. Adventive cyperaceous, petalous & spathaceous monocotyledons. -  Wellington, N.Z., P. D. Hasselberg, Govt. Printer, 1980 xlii, 220p. Juncaceae p.81-114.

Hegi G. (1980): Illustrierte Flora von Mitteleuropa: Bd 2 Teil 1, Lieferung 5. Bg. 21-25. -  Berlin, Hamburg, Verlag Paul Parey, 1980.  p.321 ‑ 400. Juncaceae p. 347-400.

Hegi G. (1980): Illustrierte Flora von Mitteleuropa: Bd 2 Teil 1, Lieferung 6. Bg. 26-28. -  Berlin, Hamburg, Verlag Paul Parey, 1980.  p. 401-439. Luzula p. 401-416.

Hegnauer R., Ruijgrok H.W.L. (1971): Lilaea scilloides und Juncus bulbosus zwei neue cyanogene Pflanzen. - Phytochemistry 10(9): 2121-2124.

Heller D., Heyn C.C. (1991): Conspectus florae Orientalis: an annotated catalogue of the flora of the MiddleEast. Fascicle 6. Helobiae: Alismataceae ‑ Najadaceae; Liliiflorae: Liliaceae ‑Iridaceae; Juncales: Juncaceae; Commelinales: Commelinaceae; Graminales:Gramineae; Principes: Palmae; Spathiflorae: Araceae ‑ Lemnaceae; Pandanales:Pandanaceae ‑ Typhaceae; Cyperales: Cyperaceae; Microspermae: Orchidaceae. - Jerusalem: Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, 1991 xii, 191p.

Hellquist C.B. (1981): The rediscovery of Juncus stygius in Maine. - Rhodora 83(834): 321-322.

Henderson D.M. (1992): A new spiral variant of Juncus effusus L. (Juncaceae). - Watsonia 19(2): 133-134.

Hepper F.N. (1971): Juncaceae. - Flora of West Tropical Africa 2nd. ed. 3(2): 277-278.

Herbich F. (1859): Fl. der Bucovina. Leipzig, Volckman Verl., 460 p.

Hermann F.J. (1957): The Juncaceae of Wyoming. - Centr. Flora of Wyoming 25: 1-24.

Hermann F.J. (1975): Manual of the rushes (Juncus spp.) of the Rocky Mountains and Colorado Basin. - U.S. Dep. Agric. Gen. Techn. Rep. 18. 107p [or 49 pp., n.v.].

Hermann F.J. (1978): Validation of the name Juncus bufonius var. occidentalis. - Madrono 25(2): 104.

Hermann F.J., Weber W.A. (1977): Juncus triglumis in North America. - Rhodora 79(817): 160-162.

Herner G. (1986): Vippfryle aterfunnet i Hajedalen. (Luzula parviflora refound in Harjedalen,Sweden.) -  Svensk Bot. Tidskr., 80(6) 421-424.

Hesse M. (1980): Entwicklungsgeschichte und Ultrastruktur von Pollenkitt und Exine bei nahe verwandten entomophilen und anemophilen Angiospermensippen der Alismataceae, Liliaceae, Juncaceae, Cyperaceae, Poaceae und Araceae. - Pl. Syst. Evol. 134, 229-267.

Hesse M. (1980): Entwicklungsgeschichte und Ultrastruktur von Pollenkitt und Exine bei nahe verwandten entomophilen und anemophilen Angiospermensippen der Alismataceae, Liliaceae, Juncaceae, Cyperaceae, Poaceae und Araceae. (Development and ultrastructure of pollenkitt and exine in closely related entomophilous and anemophilous angiosperms: Alismataceae, Liliaceae, Juncaceae, Cyperaceae, Poaceae and Araceae.) - Pl. Syst. Evol. 134(3-4): 229-267.

Hilliard O.M. (1987): Grasses, sedges, restiads and rushes of the Natal Drakensberg. - Pietermaritzburg, University of Natal Press, 1987 viii, 69p.

Hilliard O.M., Burtt B.L. (1982): Notes on some plants of southern Africa chiefly from Natal: 9. - Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh, 40(2): 247-298.

Hobohm C. (1995): Gibt es Juncus anceps an der Ostseekuste? - Flor. Rundbr. 29(2): 144-150.

Hodson W.M. (1972): The ecology of Juncus roemerianus Scheele in South Carolina. - Diss. Abstr. Int., B 32(10): 5742.

Hogeland A.M., Killingbeck K.T. (1984): Two forms of adventitious growth on fertile shoots of the emergent macrophyte, Juncus militaris Bigel. -  Aquatic Bot., 20(3-4): 339-342.

Holmen K. et Mathiesen H. (1953): Luzula wahlenbergii in Greenland. - Bot. Tidsskr. 49: 232-238.

Holub J. (1976): Juncus minutulus prehlizeny novy druh ceskoslovenske kveteny. (Juncus minutulus a neglected new species of the Czechoslovac flora). -  Preslia 48(4): 329-339.

Holub J. (1978): Komentare k vybranym taxonum: Juncus minutulus Alb. et Jahand. - Severoceskou Prirod. 8-9(2): 112-113.

Holub J. et al. (1967): (S. Hejný, J. Moravec, R. Neuhäusl) Uebersicht der höheren Vegetationseinheiten der Tschechoslowakei. - Rozpravy Ès. Akad. Vìd, ser. Math. Natur., Praha, 77, 3: p. 75.

Hoppe D.H. (1810): Verzeichnis der in der Gegend von Regensburg wachsenden Juncus-artigen Gewächse. - Neues botanisches Taschenbuch 1810 p. 172-189.

Hose R. d' (1975): Juncus canadensis J. Gay ex Laharpe, nieuw voor de Belgische flora. (Juncus canadensis J. Gay ex Laharpe, nouveau pour la flore belge). - Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belg. 108(1): 31-34.

Hultén E. (1964): The circumpolar plants 1. - Almqvist et Wiskell, Stockholm, 285 p.

Husnot T. (1908): Joncées, Descriptions et figures des Joncées de France, Suisse et Belgique. (1908): 1-28.

Hylander (??) Luzula sylvatica (Huds.) Gaud. i Sverige.


Published Work and List of samples

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Phylogeny Conclusion

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Juncaceae Literature